Using Herbs Safely - How To Make Your Breasts Bigger Naturally

Most herbs are extremely safe to use. Aside from deaths caused by ephedra (which has since been banned by the FDA), the American Association of Poison Control reported ZERO deaths due to herbal medicines from 1983-2002. By contrast, prescription drugs are responsible for an average of 90,000 to 110,000 deaths per year!

Nonetheless, herbs are powerful medicine and should be used with caution. Be sure to follow these safety guidelines carefully :
1. If you’ve got a medical condition or are on prescription drugs, get your doctor’s permission before using any of the herbs or supplements. This is a must. You need to be especially careful if you have any kind of gynecological condition - such as ovarian cysts, fibroids, endometriosis, PCOS, etc. – since phytoestrogenic herbs do affect your hormones. Talk to your doctor before proceeding.
2. Always test for allergies.  New herbs should be introduced to your system gradually so you can isolate any bad matches.

3. Do not exceed the manufacturer’s recommended dosages. The potency of each formula can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, so it is important to follow the label guidelines carefully.
4. Do not take herbs for excessively long periods of time. The Flat to Fab Breast Enlargement Program is designed to include short, focused periods of herb use with periodic breaks. In addition, you should take a three month break from all herbs if you plan to continue with breast enlargement after one year.
5. Do not use any of these herbs if you are pregnant.
That should be a no-brainer! Needless to say, your safety is my number one concern. Please use common sense and caution when using ANY kind of herb or natural remedy. If you notice an adverse reaction, stop what you’re doing and speak with your doctor before proceeding.

Using Herbs Safely - How To Make Your Breasts Bigger Naturally Using Herbs  Safely - How To Make Your Breasts Bigger Naturally Reviewed by Ali Kardashian on 9:02 AM Rating: 5

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