What Is Breast Reduction ? Is It Dangerous?

Still related with my last article about Breast Reduction ReasonsBy Katie Price . So what’s exactly breast reduction ? Well if you don’t know yet, Mammaplasti reduction or breast reduction surgery is reduce the breast size and masses that too big by removing the skin and remove excess breast tissue.

Women with breast will agree that breasts that are too large cause physical discomfort overall breast appearance is not good this why breast reduction is problem solver. Generally, the diameter of the areola (the dark-colored skin around the nipple) is reduced and returned to the correct position. This operation is done with general anesthesia and lasts long enough, between 3-4 hours. Reduced the skin, fat and breast tissue itself.

After surgery, the breasts become smaller and have better elasticity (firm) and also minimized the amount of the circumference of the areola and nipple position to be like on the girl again. Unfortunately, this operation leaves a scar around the areola which extends from the bottom up to the breast crease, and for women who still want to have more children and breast-feeding breast-feeding process will be disrupted because of some glands and breast-feeding channel cut operating time. So also would decrease nipple sensitivity.

Research by Dr Alex Clarke, a clinical psychologist from the Royal Free Hospital in London, showed that wearing the right bra is not large breasted women, can cause back pain, neck, and shoulders. This occurs because the bra is not capable of supporting the load. Heavy burden on the shoulders of the breast only, not shared with the chest. So in fact with the right bra, you can reduce the discomfort and do not need to do a breast reduction surgery. You can consult a plastic surgeon if you want to do this procedure.

More, According to experts at the Mayo Clinic, an analysis of 29 studies conducted at more than 4,000 women who underwent surgery to shrink breast showed that this procedure is to improve their physical symptoms. The benefits include the easing headaches, back pain, also due to soreness in the shoulder bra strap pressure.
What Is Breast Reduction ? Is It Dangerous? What Is Breast Reduction ? Is It Dangerous? Reviewed by Ali Kardashian on 5:25 PM Rating: 5

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